Rocking Live

Rocking Live

Getting my sounds out there – It's raw, but its real!

Posts filed under supply

Your Guitar Pedal Power Supply

Take The Power Back!

Effects pedals are great, they can make your playing sound way way better than a simple amp can, making you feel good about your playing, while keeping your audience, if you have one, far better entertained. But whether you have an assortment of pedals professionally clamped down to an expensive pedal board, or just a couple of pedals strewn about your bedroom floor, you are going to need to power them.… Read the rest

The JamMan Express XT Loop Pedal – A Review

If you want to practice playing over chords, if you want to solo over chord patterns you create, or if you want to build instant multi-tracks, you are going to need a good loop pedal!

This is the loop pedal I own and use – I have found it to be easy to use, reliable, and with no fuss. It may not have all the bells and whistles that some more expensive, more complex loop pedals have, but for pure usability, and simplicity, The JamMan Express is certainly the go to loop pedal for my day to day practice, and recording sessions.… Read the rest